A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

About Me:

Hello, my name is Squash, and I am an Indie developer inspired by the big brands like Activision and Epic Games. All though this game is no way near as great as any of the other games I can say that I'm at a young age and I have time so shy not do something I love, making games instead of doing some boring job no one wants to do. I would appreciate the support If you guys would just take it easy, I'm an indie dev by myself so if there are bugs, please give me time to fix them. It says Role playing but it's a top down 2d game rpg. 

The game is in development as it says so just be patient it may be done at any time. Any donations would help!


Squash, the game dev.


Blizzard Creations.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

Instructions For Download

Open the zipped file and the you need to extract all.

After that run the "Legend Of Lumaria.exe" file then it will say "Windows protected your PC" Hit the button More info then It will say Run at the bottom Click it and you should be all set. 

If any bugs please report it to my Community page which should always be up!